A charitable foundation in Herat has established a school to provide free education to approximately 1,000 child laborers and orphans.

According to the foundation’s officials, both boys and girls receive education at this school, with all educational expenses covered by the organization. Currently, the school offers education up to the 6th grade, and the foundation officials have stated that in the future, the school will be upgraded to a high school.

Faiz Ahmad Khwafi, the head of the charitable foundation, stated: “We have taken in orphaned and homeless children, especially those who beg or work on the roads and intersections. We have gathered them and enrolled them in this school. I hope that one day we will see no Afghan children standing at street corners anywhere in Afghanistan. We are working to expand this program to other provinces.”

Mohammad Younus Mohmand, Deputy Head of the Chamber of Commerce and Investment, who attended the event, said: “The private sector in Afghanistan believes in how we can make progress in the education sector. If we build factories, create airplanes, and have banking systems, we are obligated to learn and provide education.”

In addition to education, vocational and professional training courses will also be offered to the children enrolled in the school.

Mustafa, one of the students, told Tolo News: “I wish to become a doctor in the future so I can help poor people and be a useful person for my country.”

Mohammad Akram, another student, said: “I want to become a doctor to help patients in my country.”

Javid, a 14-year-old boy who colors shoes from morning till evening on the streets of Herat and is the breadwinner of his family, has never attended school. He said studying is a dream for him.

Javid told Tolo News: “I color shoes every day. I don’t have money to go to school and study.”

The officials of the charitable foundation have added that, in the future, they plan to provide free education to 4,000 child laborers and orphans at this school.

According to statistics, nearly 10,000 child laborers work on the streets of Herat city. Local officials say that most of these children are deprived of education due to poverty.
