The Afghan Embassy in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, has announced that the police of this country have arrested about 800 Afghan immigrants.

Late yesterday, this embassy wrote in a newsletter on its CabriX account that some of the detainees have valid residency documents.
The newsletter states: “Among the deported people, there are 137 people whose visas have expired; But they have already applied for its extension. Also, SHARP/UNHCR temporary registration holders are also included as executed persons. The Embassy of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is deeply concerned about unnecessary arrests, house searches and extortion of Afghan nationals.
The Afghan Embassy in Islamabad has emphasized that the lack of clarity in the conditions of obtaining the NOC permit has led to the arbitrary detention and deportation of Afghan immigrants.

The embassy asked Pakistan, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and other human rights organizations to urgently address concerns about the detention of Afghan migrants.
